Timeless Mind

When we hear our favorite song from our favorite singer, we relish it, we hum the song and we feel elated. This favorite song of us has been a past event in our favorite singer’s life and now it became our present and past and if you plan to hear it again, then it becomes our future too.

Here we see someones past event influencing our time in past, present and future repeatedly. Similarly we see many a times that our own memories, actions & feelings of the past again form part of our past, present and future. If we analyze deeply a considerable amount of our time Spent in a day falls in the above category. Let’s call it “Recap Time”

Other than the recap, we spend time in 3 more ways, namely “Forgettable New Learning Time”, “Routine Thoughtless Action Time” and “Retainable New Learning Time”

The “Retainable New Learning Time” is the time we spend in learning new things in a day that we remember later and thereby making way for more “Recap Time” in future. Now the left overs are the “Forgettable New Learning Time” where we spend time on doing something which we do not remember after it is done like listening to some news which maybe new to us but mind fails to register or remember it and the “Routine Thoughtless Action Time” like bathing, brushing teeth etc where we do not pay much attention to the action and it happens sub consciously.

In order to make the mind more agile and active, eastern philosophies like zen recommend a 5th way of spending time “Living In The Present”, where more emphasize is given to concentrating on each action performed. Zen defines the way to spend even the “Recap Time” where one listens to his or her Favorite song as if it is being heard for the first time or to listen from a new dimension. Attaining a 100% zen mind and living a modern life requires extreme practice because our actions are heavily dependent on memories and we tend to spend more of our time as “Routine Thoughtless Action Time” or “Recap Time”

Achieving a timeless mind and body is an utopian dream for a logical mind but one day it may come true

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